
Cuti-Cuti Malaysia


Assalamualaikum wbt,

Alhamdulillah bulan ni nampaknya semua orang akan pulang ke rumah masing2..x sabar dah rasanya nak menjejak kaki ke bumi Malaysia walaupun dalam hati ada rasa takut nak menghadapi suasana di sana yang pasti jauh berbeza dari Moscow.

Dalam kelapangan masa cuti ni, penyakit F sangat2 senang menyerang...ayuh kawan2 jangan patah semangat...kuatkan hati2 kita untuk terus beristiqomah dengan ketaatan seperti yang dilakukan di sini..walaupun di rumah kita keseorangan tapi Allah tetap ada. munajat padaNya supaya diberi kekuatan hati untuk melawan godaan2 pak cikS yang suka mengganggu di kala kita bersendirian.

Pesan seorang kawan, conact2 la sisters yang lain. Jangan bila balik rumah terus senyap menyepi. Jangan terlalu leka dengan cuti ni. Ambil tahu tentang kawan2, ade mase keluar la bersama2...ade USKAB kan, jangan liat untuk join..hehe...Jom pergi program summer- kata seorang kawan lagi.

Manfaatkan masa cuti yang ada ni. Jangan nanti dah start sem baru nak rasa menyesal kerana xguna masa cuti betul2. Jangan buang masa ye kawan2...(pesanan untuk diri sendiri juga)

Ayuh kita bermujahadah melayan nafsu sendiri..perlukan jiddiyyah untuk bermujahadah...chaiyok2!! insyaAllah semoga kita semua dapat menggunakan masa sebaik2nya. Saya doakan agar kita semua dapat melakukan yang terbaik sepanjang cuti ni...insyaAllah =)

Bittaufiq wannajah..

-hamba ALLAH-


Isu Boikot


Alhamdulillah..alhamdulillah...alhamdulillah. Segunung syukur pada Allah yang memberi kekuatan pada saya berkongsi sesuatu dengan sisters semua. Saya just nak share satu peristiwa yang pernah berlaku ketika saya berjumpa dengan seorang sahabat saya. Seorang sahabat yang amat saya cinta insyaAllah keranNya.

Tak ade ape yang menarik pun sebenarnya. Cuma ketika saya berjalan-jalan dengan sahabat saya ni tetiba saya ternampak dia telah membeli satu makanan yang jenamanya insyaAllah kita semua boikot. 'Eh, awak makan ni?' tanye saya. 'kenapa? Tak boleh makan ke?' tanye dia dengan muka confuse. 'tak' de la. Kan brand ni kene boikot.' Dia cuma tersenyum. 'Susahla nak boikot-boikot dok kat Negara orang ni. Semua tak boleh makan. Lagipun tak ade makanan alternative yang sedap macam yang ni.Awak je la boikot. Saya makan je. Tak kisah pon.' Saya terkedu. Seorang sahabat yang menjaga agamanya tapi satu bab ni kurang dititik beratkan. 'Cuba awak cakap kenapa kita kena boikot?' tanye sahabat saya ni bila saya cuma berdiam diri. Saya yang sedang kebuntuanni cuma dapat fikir satu jawapan ni je-'kita kene boikot untuk kepentingan umat Islam' dan perbualan kami mati di situ.

Amat sedih sekali saya rasa bila orang yang sangat dekat dengan saya bersikap begitu.Boikot. Ye boikot yang kita buat ni memang nampak sangat tak significant. Nampak seolah-olah tak ada apa-apa kesan pada pengeluar barang-barang berkenaan. Masih berjuta orang di luar sana yang tetap membeli barangan mereka.Tapi, itulah usaha kita.Usaha kita yang sangat kecil ini moga-moga dapat membantu saudara-saudara kita yang setiap hari menderita. Menderita akibat sikap kita yang acuh tak acuh terhadap mereka. Tanpa sedar kitalah penyumbang utama pada penderitaan mereka. Kita tak punya kekuaan untuk menentang musuh-mush Allah itu. Inilah sedikit usaha yang mampu kita lakukan. Semoga Allah mengira usaha kita yang sedikit ini. Semoga usaha yang kecil ini mampu membantu saudara-saudara kita untuk meneruskan kehidupan mereka. Jangan hanya memikirkan diri kita tanpa sedikit pun mengambil peduli tentang saudara seakidah kita yang setiap saat ditindas dan dibunuh hasil daripada investment yang kita lakukan.

Sungguh berdosa saya rasa setiap kali terpaksa mengeluarkan duit untuk membeli barang-barang yang saya boikot tatkala adik-adik meminta. Teringin sangat nak terangkan pada mereka tapi mereka masih kecil. Tak mampu nak fahami situasi ummah ini. Tapi sahabat kamu sudah dewasa. Saya tak punya kekuatan untuk berbahas dengan kamu tentang hal ini. Saya tahu saya pasti kalah dengan hujah-hujahmu. Saya harap kamu akan terbaca tulisan ini. Dan cubalah selami betul-betul keadaan ummah hari ini. Kan pernah Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda bahawa iman kita tak akan sempurna sehinggalah kita mencintai saudara kita seperti kita cinta pada diri kita.Marilah kita sama-sama mencintaisaudara-saudara seislam kita di seluruh pelosok dunia. Tunjukkan pada mereka kita bersama mereka walaupun kita tak mampu berada di sana dengan mereka. Ayuh kita boikot setakat yang kita termampu. Bagi yang telah memboikot teruskan usaha itu. Semoga Allah mengurniakan ganjarannya pada kita dan memberikan kemenangan pada umat Islam. Allahuakbar!!



Jangan jadikan dakwah "Escapisme"

"Dalam persoalan study dan tarbiyah ini adalah:...............................
1) Perlu kenal kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam study kita.- Kita kene jujur pada diri sendiri.kene jujur!tak boleh comparekan diri kita dengan orang lain.Lain orang, lain pace study dia. Lain kemampuan menguasai bahan dan hafalan.Maka kita kene tanya pada diri kita sendiri, kemampuan kita bagaimana.Ada orang boleh study 3 jam je sehari. Dia mampu excell dalam study dia. Orang seperti ini kene gunakan sebahagian masanya yang lain untuk dakwah dan tarbiyah.Ada orang memang perlukan 10 jam untuk belajar sehari, maka dia memang kene belajar 10 jam. Dan terpaksa kurangkan masa dakwah dan tarbiyah dia.ada orang boleh belajar last minute.2 minggu sebelum exam, memang dia stop pergi semua program yang ada, dan pulun study.Ada orang kene belajar berterusan.So dia still mampu pergi usrah dan daurah walaupun dah dekat sangat nak exam. Sebab dia dah banyak revise sebelum itu.Terpulang pada diri kita. Kita perlu kenal kekuatan kita.

2) Perlu ada jadual belajar dan dakwah serentak

3) Tahu kekuatan study andaAda orang kene study dalam group. So dia kena cari study group untuk belajar.ada orang kene baca kuat-kuat, maka dia kenalah duduk belajar sorang-sorang. Nanti orang lain terganggu dengan suara dia.So kene kenal style study anda.Gunakan segala pancaindera dalam study. Gunakan mata, telinga dan mulut.Ada benda kene baca, ada benda kene tengok gambar, ada benda kene dengar dan ada benda kene bercakap. Barulah dapat masuk dan faham apa yang kita belajar itu.

4) Jangan jadikan dakwah escapisme.Ini amat berbahaya.Ada antara kita yang bila stress sangat study, berpaling kepada dakwah sebagai escapisme. Berharap Allah akan membantu dia sebab dia dah membantu kerja Allah.Benda ini salah!Sebab takkan berjaya sesuatu perkara tanpa usaha. Kejayaan takkan datang dengan magis. Walaupun betul terkadang Allah memang membantu hambaNya yang benar-benar tawakal kepadaNya.Tapi kita still kene belajar. Kalau terlalu stress, cepat-cepat jumpa akhawat lain. Curahkan masalah kepada naqibah ataupun pada hosmet ke.Tapi jangan simpan sorang-sorang, dan jangan jadikan dakwah sebagai escapisme.Nanti dakwah terfitnah kerana kita.

5) Lepas kamu dah habis satu urusan, buatlah urusan yang lain pula.Lepas kamu dah belajar gila-gila. DAh berkorban perasaan sebab dah lama tak pergi program sebab nak study. Dah penat terperap dalam bilik, maka, KELUARLAH kamu berterbangan untuk menyampaikan kalimah Allah ini. Keluarlah untuk mengejar tarbiyah kamu semula.Buatlah dakwah gila-gila.Baru rasa nikmat pengorbanan sebab study kita itu.Seminit lepas keluar dari dewan peperiksaan, boleh fikirkan agenda dakwah dan tarbiyah. kan best tu!

6) Stay fokusUntuk masa sekarang, sesiapa yang akan ada exam, fokus pada exam. Setelah itu kita fokus dakwah pulak.Susah nak tumpu dua benda dalam satu masa unless dua-dua otak kamu boleh berjalan serentak.Bila fokus, kita akan menghasilkan impak yang besar pada usaha kita. Kita takkan mencapahAmacam?
sgt tertarik! we have to know our own potentials.. n sye rse, drpd pengalaman sye di atas, kite perlu taw juge gaye study mad'u2 kite n their potentials.. mcm sorg tu, die btul2 kne fokus blaja on weekends, n mseh x mmpu nk bg mse lame2 utk usrah.. jd ble 2 jam, die ok, ble 4jam, ade mse die lari..berkait dgn picnic pule, iA, pndpt sye, tnye diorg, adekah terbeban dahulu.. sbb klu bleyh, xmo diorg pg tpkse demi kita, kn?

Shared by Sarah.



Salam wbt,

Sangt susah nak explain apa yang telah berlaku this couple of 4 months in Moscow. Dengan kejutan bom, exam pharmaco ana yang still tak boleh di settle settlekan lagi. Hinggakan ana hampir loose hope in Allah. Selalu timbul dalam hati ini ragu-ragu. Astaghfirullah hal azim. Sungguh berat ujianMu ya Allah.

Nak mintak maaf kat semua sisters if i have been out in the blue lately. Hati ini sungguh nak cuba untuk tsabat. Tapi syaitan tu yang asik duk cakap. Tak Tak Tak. Menghiasi futur ana pun ada.

Ya Allah berilah ku kekuatan!.



What have we sacrificed for this Deen?

Assalamualaikum wbt,

My naqibah asked me that question during our regular daily usrah gatherings. To my opinion..yes i have actually sacrifecd quite allot of things for this Deen. I sacrificed my old friends, i sacrificed my old clothes, i sacrificed my old time favourite music i used to listen to, i sacrificed my wants and needs only for this dawah.

Only Allah knows how much sacrifice that took me. How much psychological damaging and brain-washing process i had to go through..for i was not like this before. I was a totally different person before.Many who never got to know me before tarbiyyah may not have known what kind of transition i had to go through. Maybe some of you new people in tarbiyyah may have thought Kak Sal was the Kak Sal now. Well you'll be shocked to know because the old me was not a preety sight i might say.

If you ask me was it hard to change?
My answer is yes!

If you ask me was it all worth it?
My answer is yes! Definitly. Although it was a painstaking process.

If you ask me what was the best thing i learnt through out this whole journey?
My answer is that you are able to put your whole trust in Allah that He will guide you through and through and that to learn that everything that happens has a reason behind it no matter how wrong you may look at it.

What is the biggest lesson learnt?
The biggest lesson i learnt is that only Allah knows what is best for me, not my parents, not my friends, not my schoolmate, not my teacher and not even myself. So if you want to ask something, ask from Allah. I you want to seek help, seek help from Allah. Know that if the nation were to gather together to benefit you with anything, it will only benefit you with something that Allah has already prescribed for you and if the nation were to gather together to harm you with anything, it will only harm you with something that Allah has already prescribed for you.

Anyways I'm still trying to improve,trying to better my self. I hope i can find more things i can sacrifice. Hopefully Allah swt will continue to guide us all in this life. Peace out sisters.

Uhibbuki Fillah.

Share with us:
What have YOU sacrificed for this Deen?


train trip c ikwahom(with ikhwah)

salam alaykum..huhu.interesting title ay?
here's the story behind it:
today i went to class as usual.on d metro(train) i realized i was with an ikhwah n a non-ikhwah.we went into d same wagon n i tried to get as far as i could frm them.n when i thought i was far enough from them i start to relax.suddenly the train reached the next station,and as usual the pushing started.i was pushed to the center of the wagon.when i turned to my left (there was a free space-which is very rare in the morning trains), i saw ikhwah A there.uh oh i thought.that crushed my hopes to get more comfy.i tried as hard as i can not to even brush a bit of his coat.i tried as hard as i could until we get to the next station.at this sttion a a really big guy came in between us.'PHEW!',i thought.i felt relievd.at that moment i felt that there's something wrong with the way i reactd to that situation.double standard?oh YEAH..then pushing startd again as people struggled to get out..i was left with my thoughts...
we have d feeling MALU only with ikhwahs.which is so wrong.everyday we ter'touch', ter'push', ter'hug' russian men..n we dont even think twice.(pardon d language).when there's an empty seat available we dont try to see weather beside it is a guy or a girl.we dont think,we just do.in other words we are desensitizing ourselves with ikhtilat.n our double standardness rises higher each n evryday.we are getting more 'MALU' with ikhwahs by d day, n more 'TAK MALU' with evryone else.
i'm telling myself before anyone else iAllah
let's change for the better iAllah with Allah's guidance.ameen



in the midst of tiredness and fatigue Allah gives me the strength n will to write something here.:)alhamdulillah..Allah is SO SWEET.
hmm..nape ek sy pnat?nape ek sy mention sy pnat?kecoh btol org lain pon pnat kan?hmm..sbb tu la intro sy nak ckp arini sy masuk W.A.R.bg sesiapa yg xtaw W.A.R is women amazing race.so die ala2 amazing race tp yg best nye girls only^^ weeee..
ble ckp pasal race kan so mstilah ade lari2 kan.tp yg special nye W.A.R ni kat moscow where escalators are 2 storey high at its best.so kitorg lari la naik turun tangga tu..alhamdulillah la tgga yg bergerak..kalo tak mau ade pengsan kat tgh2 metro tu..huhu..
korg taw x escltor plg tinggi kitorg pnjt?kat kievskaya..kalo dlu sy naik sorg2 msti sy gayat.tu la btp tinggi nye die.n yg tinggi jugak dkat univesitet,sportivnaya n barikad..
yg nak citer kat cni sbnrnye..ble da nak abis race tu..kne naik escltor universitet.(tinggi)tapi sbb da naik turun naik turun dan naik dan turun lagi banyak2 kali...sy rse mcm xdelah tinggi sgt pon ha universitet ni...
n terlintas kat dalam hati sy ...kalo la kite ni x diuji dgn prkr2 yg besar n hebat mesti kite akan rse bnde2 kecik yg kite hadapi tu sgtla besar n hebat.pdahal x pon.so lain kali bile rse beratnyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ujian aku ni...reflect dri balik..btul ke berat n hebat n high ujian aku ni?ke aku je yg ngengade..manjakan dri lebih2.n kalo btul bnde tu sgt2 besar maka bersyukur lah sbb Allah tgh mentarbiyah kite.iA ble da slalu panjat escalator kiev kite akan rse barikad,universitet dan sewaktu dgnnye tu xde lah setinggi mne..wallahualam


A poem from a sister to another sister

Sekadar perkongsian..

Every individual is diferent
Our minds are not made alike
One person thinks one way and another thinks another way
But we all have one thing in common
That can help glue us all together
No matter how different we are
No matter how stubborn and how annoying we seem to feel about one another
That is we all are Allah's beloved slaves.

So wouldn't you join in with this love?
This love which will help glue us all together again
This love which braught Islam to its glory days

So wouldn't you want to join in with this love?
This ONE and ONLY love.
Let rain or sunshine come...
Let winter and summer past..
But Allah's love for us will never fade

So wouldn't you wish to enter His Paradise?
The place provided for His Most beloved Slaves
A place for those who gave up everything they EVER loved
Only for the sake of His


sharing is ......

assalamualaikum w.b.t


apa tu sharing actually... sharing is loving or caring

tak kisahlah sama ada sharing tu loving or caring, or whatever yg membawa makna lebih kurang.. apa yg pasti berkongsi sesuatu yg bermanfaat utk org lain dan diri kita adalah perkara yg baik

yelah drpd pengalaman org kita boleh belajar mcm2, cm selalu dgr since kecik belajar dr pengalaman.. sebab kita kena learn from other people mistake selain drpd belajar drpd kesilapan kita sendiri..

contohnya seorg doktor die tak boleh buat mistake sebab melibatkan nyawa org.. so die kena belajar from other people's mistake.

mcm hidup dlm tarbiyah nie jugak.. kita tak boleh tunggu dan merasa pilihan yg kita buat sendiri selepas kita melihat org lain mendapat hidayah kerana pilihan yang dibuat itu walaupun pilihan yg dibuat tidak tepat. sebab kita tak tau kat mana turning point kita.. ( ayat berbelit- belit)

contohnya si A pergi jaulah tapi rser mcm tak dpt apa2 si B lak memilih utk pergi asia trip katakanlah.. and si b end up dapat satu feeling yg dier raser nak berubah n nak pg jaulah for the next coming year.. so si A pun fikir baik dier pg asia trip so that dpt hidayah. then the next year pg jaulah balik..

haha onestly sy pernah berfikir begitu.. tp jazakillah yg menyedarkan yg hidayah Allah tue dtg tanpa kita dapat duga, dimana, bila dan bagaimana.. yg pasti kita perlu berusaha cm ayat bwh nie

" Wahai org2 beriman! Jika kamu bertawqa kepada Allah niscaya Dia akan memberikan furqan (kemampuan membezakan hak dan batil) kepadamu dan menghapus segala kesalahanmu dan mengampuni dosa-dosamu. Allah memiliki kurnia yg besar." 8:29

so melalui sharing, kita dpt tau byk bende dan belajar drnya.. so jgn segan2 utk share pengalaman dgn org lain jika pengalaman tu membawa manfaat pd org lain..( pesanan utk diri sendiri dan kamu semua)


Allah PILIH kita

assalamualaikum w.b.t


selamat sampai jugak ke bumi moscow, walaupun jalan yg dilalui nak boleh sampai ke tanah yang pernah dijajah dengan komunisme ini boleh dikatakan mencabar...

berjalan dah, tangkap gambar dah, berjaulah pun dah, cuma mendigest nilai2 yang diperoleh sepanjang perjalanan belum. maklumlah takes time tuk dihayati dan diamalkan insyAllah.

alhamdulilah kita masih diberi kesempatan oleh Allah utk berjaulah walaupun berlaku cabaran yg perlu dhadapi dgn tabah sebelum ke jaulah. maybe ade org rase susah utk ke jaulah maybe ada yang senang hati bila diajak ke jaulah. namun Allah masih memelihara kita semua yang berjaya berjaulah di besancon..

kenapa saya cakap mcm tue.. cuba kita lihat kronologi asal nya. pada mulanya jaulah disetkan akan berlangsung di lille yang terletak lebih kurang 1 jam lebih dr kota paris. tapi nak dikatakan takdir Allah mengatasi perancangan manusia bila tempat jaulah ditukar pada2 saat akhir dr lille ke besancon.

kami dpt berita nie pun waktu on the way nak ke airport dr hostel. masing2 agak terkejut. maklumlah tiket train dah beli dr paris ke lille. dahlah currency dlm euro. kami beli tiket lak return. dan sekarang kena pikir cmne nak beli tiket baru sedangkan kami sudah memulakan perjalanan winter kami. payah jugaklah nak dpt internet except dekat hostel yg kami stay ader internet excess.

tapi nak dijadikan cerita masalah nie dapat diselesaikan dan semua org berlapang dada utk mengspend duit lebih dr yg dirancang. so basically bende nie dpat berlaku dgn rahmat Allah jugak kan! sebab Allah pilih kami dan kamu utk pergi ke jaulah mengaut seberapa byk ilmu yg boleh dr murabbi2 yg superb. Allah telah memilih kita semua utk berada dlm majlis ilmu selama lebih kurang 4hari 5malam. Allah telah memilih kita utk mendengar kebenaran dan memilih kita berada dalam suasana biah solehah.

mungkin sepanjang jaulah kita tersentuh dengan kata2 yg diucapkan oleh penyampai, maybe gak tersentuh dgn kesungguhan (jiddiyah) akk2 yg menguruskan jaulah.. insyAllah semua itu adalah tarbiyah yang indirectly from Allah melalui sekeliling kita. Moga kita, kamu, dier mendapat pengajaran dr jaulah kali nie..

lastly nak share lagu time jaulah by amar- secebis kenangan kalau nak dgr boleh klik link nie insyaAllah klik me


travelling priority VS non-priority

assalamualaikum wrt.bismillahirrahmanirahim..ape kabar sume?ape kabar iman?
welcome back evry1!
its time to start d new sem.msti ramai org berjalan2 kan?nak tanye...best ke ek jenjalan tu?
ape aktiviti kte slalu nye mase kte jenjalan ek?tgk bgnn,tgk tmpat,amik gmbr,bli souvenirs,.....slalunye tu la aktiviti kite kan?kalo ade aktvt lain senaraikan la sndri.
sbnrnye nape ana ckp pasal berjalan2 ni kan sbb ade penting ana nak britahu..ana sndri pon baru dilempang dgn bnde ni mse jalan2 winter ni n iAllah ana nak smorg kne lempang jugak iAllah :P
kne lempang rmai2 bru best.hehe.
so bermula lah al kisah nyeeee...mse cuti wintr lpas ana n sorg sahabat baik ana plan berjalan2..agak jauh n complicated n mahal jugak la perjalanan tu....n agak byk negara..kami mula2 mmg da x sedap ati..namun sbb da bli tiket maka kami kuatkan hati n teruskan jua lah perjalanan tu..sblum berjalan2 tu kami singgah di rumah kakak kandung ana.di situ dgn izin ALlah s.w.t kami berjumpa dgn seorang murabbiah yg sgt hebat.beliau sgt excited nak bawa kami ke rumahnye...agak confused mase tu tapi sbb kami mmg jenis 'laayaaaaann' maka kami pon laaaayaaaannn je la.n agak excited jugak nak jumpe sisters lain. :D. Di sana kami berjumpa la dgn adiknye..adiknye tu pulak tgh excited nak pegi egypt.tapi kami agak terkjut ble die disoal bertubi2 oleh kakaknye..'awak nak pg buat ape?' jawapan:"saje nak jmpe kawan." "Ade program ke kat sane?"jawapan:"uhh?" dan byk lagi soalan dn akhirnye diberi knyataan ini: awak xleh pg.awk nk pg msti ade sbb.ade prog ke.awk bg pengisian ke.
Si adik pon keluar dgn kecewa.Kami ni pula tercengang melihat drama di dpan mata.dalam hati ana"nape xley kuar?nape byk sgt soklan?nape kne ade program?"(muka konfius)
Selepas tu akak tu pon melayan kami.Dia bertnye korg ni nak pg mne?kami pon mnyenaraikan tmpat2 kami akan pergi tu.wic we cant even list out in 1 breath sbb byk sgt.Dia pon mnanya,mane org lain?mane mad'u awk?
Kami terkejut..nape perlu ade mad'u?
slepas explanation drpd akak2 super murabbi ni baru leeee kami paham...nak tau diorg ckp ape?

diorg ckp:
kita berjalan kne ade purpose.kite slalu gne ayat surah ar-rum tu kan.30:42.cari sendiri eh?so dat kte ingat same2 n bley tnda.kte gne ayat ni sbg alasan utk kite jenjalan.mmg ALlah suruh jalan2.tp kte kan ade core business kte.cuti=masa free.mase ni la kte nak gne utk core business kte.ape core business kte?D n T la.apo laie?berjalan ni ade dua yg priority n x priority.yg x priority yg kte slalu buat tu la.jalan2 nk mndpat pngajaran.mmg kte dpt pon kan.tp kte mbazirkan mase tu utk dri kte sendiri.Priority plak ade 2 tujuan:1.nak mentarbiyah mad'u kita.
2.nak menyedut ilmu dr murabbi2 tmpat lain.sbb kat rusia ni kan xde super murabbi.so kita keluar mngejar mereka!
So insyaAllah lepas ni kte xde la kuar jalan2 sia2 kan?kita kuar dgn purpose.org lain jalan2 amik gmbr abis duit.kite jalan2 dpt jugak amik gmbr,duit pon abis gak,tp iAllah dgn niat yg btol kte akan dpt LEBIH dr tu iaitu nikmat REDHA Allah.biarlah kita berjlan ni dgn redha Nya n bukan semata nk tgk tmpat atau nak escape rusia atau ape2 lagi alasan yg x concrete.wallahualam.semoga semua dpt ibrah iAllah.semuanya dr Allah.:)


The story of a Mualaf

He is a cancer survivor
He is a peace fighter.
He is a mualaf
He is Bret Martin

Bret is an American non-Muslim, who like many Americans was brain-washed by the media to hate Muslims. After his near death experience battling with cancer, he found a new light and said it was all thanks to God he survived. After that experience he decided to change his lifestyle and look at the world in a new perspective. His interest in learning Arabic started after he visited
the country Egypt with his family. Bret is a student of the Arabic language and is also studying the Holy Quran. He also makes videos on YouTube by the name Clevonamerica. His videos discusses several issues regarding religion, politics, and music. Most of his videos discusses issues regarding the misinterpreted perception the west have on Muslims. He often uses comedy for
his viewers to loosen up the tension. Most of his viewers happen to be Muslims and he thinks Muslims needs to stop spreading hate among one another and start acting as how the Holy Quran tells us to act. As he says, "there is already so much hate in this world. The worst thing we can do is create more tension". Bret is also a musician. He has written several songs such as " terrorist love hate song" , " I hated Muslims for the longest time" and "Non Muslim Ramadhan song". Other than that he is also a loving father of 5 children. Two of them adopted from Ethiopia. MashaAllah! If only he but knew the hadith Prophet Muhammad s.a.w said about taking care of an orphan then I wouldn't be surprised if he ended up in paradise alongside the prophet.

Narrated Sahl bin Sa'd R.A: The Prophet saw said, "I and the person who looks after an orphan and provides for him, will be in Paradise like this, "Putting his index and middle fingers together. (Sahih Bukhari, Vol 8, Hadith No 34)

Learn more about his life story by watching his YouTube videos at http://www.youtube.com/user/clevonamerica
During last years' 2009 Ramadhan, Bret fasted together with the Muslims. He shared his experience on video and even wrote a song about it on YouTube! =)

Another funny but relevant and straight to the point video about the current state we should be in if we are HUMANs living of planet EARTH.


Melintas jalan hati


I just had a 'lintasan hati' that I wanted to share. Just a short one but it really made me think again. Everyday we recite our prayers 5 times a day. We kept repeating the same worship words, same promise and words of repentance.

We say this in doa iftitah:

"Sesungguhnya solatku, ibadahku, hidupku, matiku kerana Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam"

What we say is a responsibility. What we say is a promise. But do we really realize the promise? Do we really put Allah first in everything? Do we think of Him before we do something?

That.. really made me think.



salam.this is what my brain n heart n hands could muster..its not perfect.its my 1st.Allah alone is d Most Perfect~

'Fork left.Spoon right'. right? uhh? 'Fork right, spoon left?'..Or is it the other way around?...'Spoon n fork on d same side?which side?' My hands fiddled with d cutlery while trying to figure out the right way to place them. Suddenly an angry voice told me "sudu kanan,garfu kiri la.Mana tisu? Patutnya ade tissue,pastu lipat dua2 tu dalam tisu". duhh?what?what tissue?nobody gave me any tissues to work with. While still wearing my confused mask i turn to stare at him.I can see he's getting really annoyed with this incompetent girl standing in front of him."Awak ni x penah blaja home economics ke?"woh that got me boiling.yeah! Never did. I'm not gonna stand here and get insulted by this guy, so stormed out. I was fuming.yeah.im not good at keeping my temper.that's something i need to change.but that aint d point here. Im here to talk about PROTOCOLS.OH HATED PROTOCOLS.After cooling down a lil bit.i got to thinkin.I shouldnt have been so angry at the guy.he's not to blame.he is just so dependent on the protocols that were infused in our lives since day 1.He didnt have a chance against this MIND WAR imposed on mankind. When we stop n turn around to look n see the world that we're living in.we can see how much protocols have ruled our lives.for example: during dinner a housewife should
A.have all the right cutlery.that means appetizer spoon,soup spoon,main dish spoon,n all the other spoons that we have nowadays.
B.serve in courses.appetizers,main course,desserts
C.have matching plates n chinas.

Do u even know how many types of spoons are there?
That's a lot.considering we can use the same one for soup n dessert n main course.It serves d same purpose.So why are we concerned about them?
because this is the way we are taught to think.
And that is just the way we eat.Can u see other insignificant things imposed on our lives without us even knowing why n how it got into our lives?
And what about our social status?
We can distinguish the rich n the mid class n the poor.who made this division?
Are there really any difference between these classes in the eyes of Allah?
NO.The rich needs the mid class coz they need someone smart enough to work d machines and dumb enough to do what they're told without thinking.The poor is just there to scare the mid class so they would seek protection from the rich.It's such a vicious cycle that many have failed to see.People don't THINK.
When we turn our eyes to the lives of our beloved Prophet PBUH n his sahabahs,the only protocols the use are the QURAN n the SUNNAHS. Isn't he our role model? so WHY aren't we FOLLOWING HIM?Why do we need to follow MAN-MADE PROTOCOLS?WHAT IS WRONG WITH D QURAN?NOT PERFECT ENOUGH FOR U?then try to make one just like it.u wont b able to.
the QURAN is not like any other.it washes u CLEAN.clean from worldly desires,clean from fear of men,clean from our nafs,clean from man-made protocols.
We NEED TO GET BACK TO THE QURAN.our lives here n hereafter depend on it.

Lets be good leaders!

In The Name Of Allah The Most Gracious The Most Compassionate

The common human beings we see around us usually consist of two kinds. The ones that lead and the ones that follow. What differs US Muslims and Muslimahs from the common folk is that we were chosen specifically by Allah swt out of his mercy and kindness to lead mankind. Like it or not each and everyone of us are born to be leaders. It is just whether we realise it ourselves or not. If we do not lead people towards something good than that means we are leading people towards something bad.

It may seem like we are sitting and doing nothing, playing our computer games and chatting with friends about that particullar movie we watched. Know this! That is exactly how the syaitan works! If he ( the syaitan) cannot influence you or your friend to do those things he will surely use a mediator and use your surroundings as a mediator to influence you.

Being a full-time Muslim in these times is hard because everything we see around us seems to contradict what Islam actually teaches. This is the time to Mujahadah( struggle). Prove that we really do want to be a true full-time Muslim and that we do care and love our Deen. Prove it to your friends, your parents, your neighbours and to the whole world. For that we must be able to educate ourselves with enough knowledge. Use all the sources provided. It doesn't matter whether you are into music, writing, drawing, cooking, studying or anyting of the like. All of these can be tools for you. Make ALLAH swt proud. If you take 1 step towards Allah swt, ALLAH will take a thousand steps toward you. Allah loves nothing more than a servant who constantly returns and prostrate to Him in repentence.

Know that there is no such thing as taking the in-between-road. There are only two roads. One leading towards Jannah and the other leading towards Hell-Fire. That is why our relationship with our Rabb has to be always in the state of fear and hope. Fear beacause we are afraid to enter His hell-fire and hope because we want to enter His heaven.

Lets benefit this winter holiday to the best of our abilities to score more points in order for us to enter Paradise later. InsyaAllah.

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